News — OrganizingTips

7 Things That Professional Organizers Wouldn’t Actually Buy

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7 Things That Professional Organizers Wouldn’t Actually Buy

To get the very best advice, including advice about getting more organized, it’s always wise to consult a professional. Because who better understands how to conquer clutter and keep things tidy and organized than those who do it for a living? Watching professionals help people on shows like Hot Mess House and Tidying Up with Marie Kondo can be a great way to get motivated about organizing your own home. But without the knowledge and experience to know which products are helpful and which aren’t, you could easily end up wasting money at IKEA or The Container Store on things...

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Containers are very helpful organizing tool

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Containers are very helpful organizing tool

s. They come in lots of different shapes and sizes.  A container can be a bin, basket, box, binder, shelf, drawer, tub, tray, rack, jar or bag. When organizing containers serve three basic purposes. Containers help us hold like things. How many junk drawers do you have, and what’s inside them? Junk drawers are usually stuffed with a jumbled mess of random things, hence the name. Therefore, my recommendation is two small junk drawers per household, but that’s it. The rest of our drawers, and all the other containers in our home, need to be filled with items that belong...

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Organizing is so overwhelming if you look at everything you want to accomplish as one big task that all has to be done at once

Declutter OrganizeYourHome10MinutesAtATime Organizing OrganizingTips SmallProjects

Organizing is so overwhelming if you look at everything you want to accomplish as one big task that all has to be done at once

That’s why we recommend starting small and organizing in baby steps. When you break down a great big organizing project into little 10- or 15-minute to-dos, it seems much more manageable. There are some big organizing jobs that can be broken into multi-day, small organizing tasks that are more manageable and less stressful. This time, we’ll focus on how to break down the job of organizing your bedroom into manageable baby steps. Organizing the Bedroom in Baby Steps Instead of walking into your bedroom and thinking that you can never get it organized, don’t look at it as a whole...

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