News — 42
Week 23: Farewell to My Fabulous Fifties- The Wabi Sabi Edition

Happy Monday! We are well into Fall and I am happy to be getting into the more “homier” aspects of my bucket list. I’m wrapped in a warm blanket, I’m wearing fuzzy slippers and I’ve got a fall scented candle burning. So let’s dive right into the messy but beautiful leaf pile that makes up life and take a look at this week’s progress. Kicking it off with a big check-mark on completing that wonderfully complicated puzzle! I have to give a shout out to Mike and Sammi here because they were intrigued enough to join me and together we...
Week 23: Farewell to My Fabulous Fifties- The Wabi Sabi Edition

Happy Monday! We are well into Fall and I am happy to be getting into the more “homier” aspects of my bucket list. I’m wrapped in a warm blanket, I’m wearing fuzzy slippers and I’ve got a fall scented candle burning. So let’s dive right into the messy but beautiful leaf pile that makes up life and take a look at this week’s progress. Kicking it off with a big check-mark on completing that wonderfully complicated puzzle! I have to give a shout out to Mike and Sammi here because they were intrigued enough to join me and together we...
Uk Concept Grocery Bag Dispenser
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Plastic Bag Dispenser Great for the baby’s room to dispose those stinky dirty . free images to sew bag holders for kitchen Welcome to Little Craft Cottage . Learn how to make your own DIY No Sew Plastic Bag Dispenser, on the blog 11 Sneaky Storage Tricks for a Tiny Kitchen Show Boxes the Door Get plastic wrap and aluminum . DIY Craft Room, Part 1 (covered cardboard storage boxes). Fortune Candy 1 x Stainless Steel Wall Mount Grocery Bag Dispenser, Anti- I suggest using a space saving, washable cloth grocery bag holder that won’t rip . The of course at...