News — 14
40 Times People Had No Idea What They Were Looking At, But The Internet Knew What It Was Right Away (New Pics)
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All things have a purpose and function. However, some objects are so peculiar, so strange, and so weird that it takes amateur detectives and internet occultists to decipher their meaning. The ‘What Is This Thing’ subreddit is a treasure trove of everyday artifacts whose purpose was lost to the world… until Reddit’s resident Sherlock Holmeses took a look at them and explained exactly what people were looking at. We’ve collected some of the best examples of odd things, so scroll down, have a look, have a read, and upvote your faves. Let us know in the comments if you learned...
photo by sara ligorria-tramp for ehd | from: reveal: a budget rental-friendly living and dining room (with 80% thrifted finds)
11 13 14 15 24 27 3 30 8 CoffeeTable LivingRoomFurniture Roundups Shopping SideTable YourCloset
I am not traditionally a risk-taker. Same hairstyle for 10 years, same eyeshadow for three (I should probably throw that out) and my closet is progressively becoming a sea of white blouses and slightly ripped jeans. So when it came time for choosing a sofa for my living room, I decided on a simple cream, single cushion beauty. Yes, I toyed with the idea of getting a dark mustard velvet sofa instead but the practical side of my brain kept saying, “Jess, what if your style changes and that mustard sofa doesn’t work in the future? That is a big...