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By Cassandra Rosa
CardboardBoxes CassandraRosas EarthTalk FeaturedContent Recycling

s Whether it is because you’re moving to a new home or because you’re just doing a lot more online shopping lately, collections of cardboard boxes are probably a part of your life or have been at one time or another. Cardboard boxes may seem useless, but they can be reused in many ways before you end up recycling them. In America, the average person uses approximately seven trees every year in paper products. Recycling cardboard only uses around 75 percent of the energy needed to make new cardboard, and every ton of recycled cardboard saves 9 cubic yards of landfill space. Like paper,...
A post inspired by the word diaper?
FeaturedContent LisaLIstwa Marriage Memories Parenting

I’ve so got this. There are some family stories that become legendary the moment they happen. They are the stories that are so completely unbelievable, that they simply have to be true. You know the kind – the ones that make people say “wow, you can’t make up stuff this good.” It’s true – you really can’t. ~~~~~ Being a new parent is all kinds of wonderful and horrible wrapped up in one sweet-smelling little package. Nothing quite prepares you for the sleepless nights or the number of diaper changes that one small little person can rack up. When Kidzilla was born,...