A while a go now, I saw an article regarding affordable wedding dresses from H&M and ASOS.
Believe it or not the writer actually said that you would be cheapening your wedding day, even marriage if you didn’t spend at least $5000 on a handmade, silver sequined, custom designed wedding dress. You should probably have it hand sewn by fairies too.
Now I’m not married, and frankly don’t intend to be if the norm is spending $5000 on a wedding dress to make you feel more beautiful than any other day in your life. What about all the other days, are you not as beautiful the day after or the one after that? I thought marriage was about feeling beautiful because you have found the one, and you’re saying so in front of all your friends and family.
Or is that just bulls**t?
Do women really want the day to be about just them and their dress? Does a wedding gown really have that much pull that wearing anything less than expensive perfection will “trivialise the significance and sanctity of a wedding”?
Head examination, please!
I get the lovely ladies want to feel like a princess, but the day is not all about them or the dress. It’s about coming together in holy matrimony… and a big whopping celebration. I would be spending that $5000 on the bar alone, ensuring everyone was drinking in the good times, not staring at my dress for all of five minutes and probably insulting it. Let’s be honest, that’s what us bitches do.
Let’s take a look at the dresses in question. H&M released their latest bridal collection in the US in 2018. They are gorgeous and perfect for any budget conscious bohemian, gypsy-loving bride, who wants style on the cheap.
Yes, there’s probably hundreds of them flying off the factory floor, but really who cares? According to H&M the gowns are made using ethical materials like raw silk and beads made from recycled glass, which means they are kind to people, environment, and beautiful. What more could a hippy, dippy, thrifty, bohemian gypsy want?
Now fast forward three years and you ask those women who spent a fortune on their dress, would they spend that much on a dress like that again?
“Hell no”.
I know friends who have said, if they had a time machine they would definitely go back and change a few things at the time of getting married.
Buy a house, even a shitty one, save more – and don’t spend all that money on a wedding dress.
The thing with a wedding dress is, you’re only ever going to wear it once.
What was $5000 and the height of expensive fashion (and yes, very lovely) will turn out to be a sad dress that will hang at your parent’s house or your closet. Only to be bought out every once and a while, and you’ll most likely cry because you got a divorce from that jerk, and you no longer in your wildest dreams fit into it.
So is it worth spending an obscene amount of money on a wedding dress? Well, that can only be answered by the bride. While the H&M dresses are pretty enough, will you be happy and confident to say to your friends where you got it from?
Will you tell them you walked into H&M or ASOS and bought it straight from the rack for $250? You won’t feel a twinge of regret that the dress you plucked from the rack is cheaply made and hundreds of versions are being manufactured as you speak in a factory far, far away. No? Good!
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Get that dress and spend that money where it is needed.
Catering, booze, venue and honeymoon.
Because you will be a beautiful bride no matter the price tag of the dress.
Your husband-to-be will love you and will not notice whether it is high-end or high-street. In fact he will bow down to you and thank you for not spending thousands on something that is only going to last one day. One beautiful, wonderful day.
At the end of the day it’s what you feel comfortable doing and wearing. Don’t look back and regret spending a deposit on a house for your wedding dress and don’t go over your wedding photos and think I should have had a better dress.
Do what makes you happy and if that is having a designer dress and the day is ALL about you, so be it.
Or, be smart, frugal and enjoy what the day brings, because at the end of the day all your wealth is in the two hearts that just came together as one (too corny?). A wedding can never be too corny.
#Divorce #Life #BudgetFriendly #AffordableWeddingDress #Bdgeting