News — SummerStyle
Hi hi hi! Today, I’m excited to share how I’m styling my go-to camping shoes, the black Teva Original Universal sandals, for a regular day look!
AugustOutfits CasualStyle Outfits Summerstyle

This post is not at all in partnership with the Teva brand. I bought these sandals myself this summer (to replace a 10 yr old pair I kept for painting and yard projects) and have found them so comfy that I wanted to wear them beyond just camping and outdoor adventuring. I hope this post might help you see more potential in any utility-style sandals you have too! I used to keep pretty hard boundaries between the different sections in my closet but these days I’ve been letting them loosen up more. Camping items can enter day-to-day and vice versa....
Shopping local at for this fun summer look
MomStyle Style SummerOutfits SummerStyle

Summer is here and I love styling looks that are playful, that's why I'm embracing summer palazzo pants. I took them on a recent trip to Marseille and they were an absolute hit in France. And since I'm a word geek (an amateur etymologist), I did a little search about the pant. In Italian, Palazzo means a large, splendid palace or building. Palazzo pants are trousers with very wide legs. The relation is that like the pants, a Palazzo is a large, splendid area. Shopping Local for Palazzo Pants While I love internet shopping, there's nothing like touching and feeling clothes and using...